I once said that there are two professions which are noblest of all professions. The farmer, who fills man's stomach, and the priest, who fills his soul.
Now, I'm not so sure I believe that. I believe there is one most noble profession, which is commonly split into two. The soldier, who fights and destroys other men, and the governor, who arranges men into units so that they will not fight amongst themselves.
Why do I believe this? Because I believe that it is natural for men to produce. This is to take men for granted, but I believe that it is acceptable. Men will always produce food, and priests will always produce religion. Or if the second is not sufficient for you, the intellectuals will always produce knowledge. This is our human nature, and it takes no nobility to be that which one already is.
To truly be noble, one must be transformed, molded, and changed beyond what is one's nature. A blessed few are born with noble spirits; by lacking the essential human qualities of empathy, they are equipped to transcend the productive nature of the human spirit, and emerge on the destructive side.
This author speaks from a position on the productive side, as intelligent readers should deduce from the fact that it is in writing, which is a productive act.
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