Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Who Needs Goals?

Here's something revolutionary.

Why should I do anything? Why should I be anything? Why should I have an end in mind? Isn't it enough to just hang out and live, be, experience life, and generally do the things that make me happy?

I know society depends on people wanting to accomplish great deeds, but not everybody has to be that person. Can't I just be happy being me? Maybe that's the lesson that I was meant to learn all along.

This is the problem though. I've never met anyone who is willing to admit they're fine with not going anywhere.

Me, I absolutely cannot bear the thought of being a service and entertainment industry worker. I hate that identity. But why do I have to be that? Why does that have to define me? Why did it take me this long to figure this out? I can work there, but it doesn't make it who I am.

I am what I enjoy doing. Sometimes that's just watching television. Sometimes it's writing poetry and short stories. Often it's reading. Sometimes it's writing in a blog. Sometimes it's drawing pictures. Sometimes it's playing Dungeons & Dragons. These are the things that really define me. And I don't have to be paid to do any one of them in order to have a fulfilling life.

Job one is to live the good life. Job two is to get paid for doing something involved in the good life. Job two is optional.

1 comment:

Naomi The Poet said...

I know how you feel. I often am surrounded by people who have big plans for their future and where they want to go in life. But I don't see how NOT having goals makes you a bad person. Infact what IS a bad person?

You have to see people by who they are, not by what they do.

Why didn't you tell me you've got a blog?! This is brilliant! I've got a whole lot of 'Josh' to catch up on! :-) By the way, thanks for your comment on my blog.

Hope you're having a great day.
